Photo History with Western Masters
Encounters Over Time
In 1975 Larry was a successful advertising sales representative for McCalls Publishing, and was known for his creative sales presentations.
Larry's spiritual journey began at The Bodhi Tree Book Store in West Hollywood. His first visit was an overwhelming experience. He discovered the autobiography of a Yogi by Parmahansa Yogananda and his first new age music, Sea Peace by Georgia Kelly.
The late Parmahansa Yogananda at the lake shrine in Pacific Palisades. His Self Realization fellowship is Larry’s spiritual path.
Lydia Cortez, Larry’s auntie and Yoga teacher in Puerto Rico, gave him his first Hatha Yoga book “Yoga and Health” by Selvarajan Yesudian.
First Yoga class with Renee Taylor, Redondo Beach, California 1976. Larry developed a serious low back problem and was in constant pain. Numerous L.A. health professionals did not help. At the end of the class the pain he lived with for over a year was totally gone. The pain subsided for four hours and he felt euphoric. This was his personal realization that Yoga really works.
Raghavan Dass was Larry’s first Yoga teacher. A humble and great man. He introduced Larry to Yoga as a lifestyle and juice fasting which led him to Meadowlark health and Growth Center.
Dr. Evarts Loomis M.D. Founding father of Holistic Health in America. After a two-week juice fast at Meadowlark health and growth center, Dr. Loomis became Larry’s inspiration for life and a career change to a path of service.
In 1981, Larry was promoted to West coast sales manager of McCalls publishing. He also taught Yoga and ran the Samata center. It was two full time jobs for three years.
Larry took a one-year sabbatical from McCalls in October 1979. This sojourn led him to Yoga teachers and healers all over the world. He was certified in India as a Yoga teacher and upon his return founded Samata International Yoga and Health Institute in 1980. This first newsletter tells the story.
Page 2 of the first Samata Newsletter.
Chad Hamrin led Iyengar Yoga intensives at Samata in the 80s and was one of Larry’s early teachers.
A classic Samata Yoga class with Larry and special guests in the 90s. Bottom Left, Yoga teacher and author, Geo Moskios. 2nd row left, Singer Sherry Williams, producer Claudia Gvirtzman, Yoga teachers Jean Kuntz & Rocki Graham, psychologist and clairvoyant Marilyn Winfield, my masseuse Ditta Smolka. Top Left Yoga teachers Lelise Folse (R.I.P.) & Jasmine Lieb, Animal healer and masseuse Lynn Vaughan.
Larry’s second teacher training with Ganga White and Ana Forrest at the Center for Yoga Los Angeles in 1983. A lot of well known Yoga teachers today were in that class. Can you pick out the 30-year Yoga teachers: Steve Ross, Steve Friedman, Eddie Marks, Larry Payne, Scott Hobbs, Margie Rosenblum and Foster Hurley?
Mara Carrico was president of the BKS Iyengar Association of Los Angeles. Larry assisted her with the first teacher trainings at Samata Yoga Center.
Bryan Kest was one of the star graduates of Samata teacher training. He started donation based Yoga classes and popularized Power Yoga on the West Coast.
When Larry retired from the advertising business in 1984. He sent this letter to all of his clients and friends.
In 1984, Larry co-founded the first Yoga therapy center in Los Angeles with renowned sports medicine doctor Leroy R. Perry D.C. at the International Sports Medicine Institute in West Los Angeles. Also, pictured far right is Evarts Loomis, M.D., founding father of holistic medicine in America and Larry’s inspiration to change careers.
1989: Larry starts teaching Yoga in Malibu and continues to date.
Malibu class regulars in the 90s. Many are still attending today.
Larry hosted Yoga trainings in the 80s at Samata with Lilias Folan, the first lady of Yoga in America. Lilias stared in the PBS series “Lilias Yoga and You” This was the beginning of a life long friendship.
David Luna gave Larry stretches in the very early 1970s at the International Health Club near Los Angeles International Airport. David held many fitness world records and gave workshops at Samata.
Doctor George Billauer D.C. Team doctor for the US World Soccer Team. Taken at an award ceremony with President Bill Clinton. George was Larry's first chiropractor when he was an intern with Dr. Leroy Perry. George was the first health professional to recommend Yoga for Larry's original back problem.
Cover shot of Leroy Perry, with a great acknowledgement for Larry.
Angela Farmer, “The teacher's teacher”, leading a workshop at Samata Garden in the 1980s.
Gary Kraftsow founder of the American Viniyoga Institute. Larry hosted Gary’s first workshops in Los Angeles and later introduced him to Yoga Works, where he led many, large successful courses.
John Schumacher is one of the foremost Iyengar Yoga teachers in the USA. He also has a very successful chain of Iyengar Yoga Centers in the Bethesda area. Larry and John met at a Unity in Yoga conference in the 90’s. Larry hosted John at Samata for his first Los Angeles workshop.
Larry and Yogini Kaliji (Kali Ray), founder of Tri Yoga at a Unity in Yoga conference in the 1990s.
Bodhi Tree Bookstore founders Stan Madison and Phil Thompson receiving the Karma Award from Larry. The Samata Karma Awards ran for 11 years into the early 1990s, and acknowledged over 80 people for outstanding service in integrative health and related fields.
Larry, Ron Lawrence M.D. Neurologist, Benjamin Shield Ph.D, and Sherry Brourman P.T., Karma Award recipients. Late 1980s, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Marina del Rey, California.
Larry, with the late Frank White and Eric Schiffman, both Karma Award recipients for Yoga.
Jim Blechman M.D. and Jesse Hanley M.D. with Larry at one of the early Karma Award ceremonies in Topanga Canyon, California.
Thank you letter from Reverend Michael Beckwith after receiving a Karma Award. Reverend Michael now has his own TV show and is Oprah Winfrey’s spiritual advisor.
Linda Lack Ph.D. is the founder of Two Snake Yoga and Dance Studio . She is one of the premier Yoga teachers and dance performers in Los Angeles for over 35 years. She is a senior teacher in Larry's Yoga Therapy Rx program at Loyola Marymount University and a life long friend.
John Friend has become America’s most successful Yoga teacher. He and Larry met in the early 1990s and are dear friends. John lists Larry at his website as one of his early teachers. John was kind enough to contribute a chapter in Larry’s manual “The Business of Teaching Yoga”.
John Friend, Yoga teacher extraordinaire, demonstrating a one arm handstand at a Yoga conference 2010.
Left to right: Larry, singer Chynna Philips, Indra Devi, and Baron Baptiste. Yoga Journal press party early 1990s in Venice, California.
Gurmukh Khalsa is the founder of Golden Bridge Yoga Center in Hollywood, California. She is a lifelong student of the late Yogi Bhajan and a world famous Kundalini Yoga Teacher. She and Larry have been friends for 25 years. She has been a guest instructor at Larry¹s LMU program and he has taught at the Golden Bridge.
The Original Viniyoga America Late 1980s. Charter members with T.K.V.Desikachar. Front row, left-to-right, includes: Claude Marechal (president of Viniyoga Europe) Margaret Pierce, Martin Pierce, Richard Miller, and Albert Franklin. Top row L-R includes: Sonia Nelson, Gary Kraftsow, Jane Young, Sri Desikachar, Mary Louise Skelton and far right David Schonfeld and Larry.
Rama Jyoti Vernon with Richard Miller Ph.D. and Larry. Rama Vernon is a Yoga hero and a pioneer in international dialogue both in Russia and the Middle East. In the early 1970s she hosted many of the greatest Yoga teachers from India in her home and in the 80's The Yoga Journal started as a newsletter from her kitchen table. Also in the 1980s she co-founded Unity in Yoga with the late, great, Swami Satchidananda. All major U.S. Yoga organizations can trace their roots back to these first Yoga gatherings open to all Yoga lineages, including The International Association of Yoga Therapists and the Yoga Journal conferences of today.
Dean Ornish M.D. is a Yoga champion. He was the first doctor to prove the benefits of a Yoga lifestyle for reducing heart disease without drugs or surgery. He also brought vegetarian food to the White house during the Clinton presidency. Dr. Ornish was a charter board member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists.
Judith Lasater Ph.D., P.T. is an American Yoga pioneer. She is co-founder of the Yoga Journal and the California Yoga Teachers Association. She was also a founding board member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists Judith is a dear friend, a great role model and a constant supporter.
Rodney Yee has sold more Yoga videos and DVDs than any other person on the planet. Larry and Rodney developed a friendship when they were both teaching at Yoga Journal conferences in the early 1990s. Rodney was approached by a large insurance conglomerate to set Yoga standards. He invited Larry, Chuck and Maty Ezraty (founders of Yoga Works) and Shri Mishra M.D. to be on his board. The company changed management but it almost happened back in the 1990s.
Ron Perkins is a life-long friend and Larry's media partner for over 20 years. Ron’s wife Tara introduced Larry to Ron when he was still working at McCalls magazine. He took a chance investing in and producing Larry's first video, which led to 7 DVDs and still counting.
Charter members of the International Association of Yoga Therapists. First Yoga therapy training with A.G. Mohan at Meadowlark Health and Growth Institute in Hemet, California 1990.
The first Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research sponsored by the International Association of Yoga Therapists. 2007.
John Kepner, Director, and Veronica Zador, President, of the International association of Yoga Therapists presenting Larry with an outstanding achievement Award from IAYT, 2007.
The first corporate Yoga class at the Getty Museum. Early 90s and still going.
Saul David Ray's mother (Patricia Kaufman) was Larry's student at the Getty Museum. Saul and Larry became friends when he first returned from Thailand and launched his Thai Yoga massage in Los Angeles. Now he is a major Yoga rock star and always a dear friend.
Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa is one of America's foremost Kundalini Yoga instructors specializing in terminal illness. In the early 1990s Larry, Shanti Shanti and Sherry Brouman P.T. formed a mastermind group meeting on a monthly basis. All shared their their goals to write books and all became published authors.
Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D. is the West¹s greatest authority on Yoga and ecology. He is the author of over 50 books and co-author with Larry of the original Yoga for Dummies and the new revised 2010 edition. He now resides in Canada with his wife Brenda, where they lead on line courses at Traditional Yoga Studies (TYS).
Announcement for Larry¹s first book signing at the Bodhi Tree Book Store, West Hollywood, 1999
The new revised Yoga for Dummies published in Spring 2010. Co-authors Georg Feuerstein Ph.D. and Larry Payne, Ph.D. The new edition added routines for kids, teens, mid-lifers and older adults.
First headstand at the North Pole: In 1997 Larry was invited to be the Yoga teacher on an expedition to the North Pole. The World Presidents Organization (WPO) hired a Russian Nuclear icebreaker and took 50 of the most successful business families in the world on a trip of a lifetime. The ship captain of the YAMAL documented Larry¹s headstand.
Shimon Perris, former Prime Minister of Israel, with Larry at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in 2000.
Larry with doctor Mehmet Oz (Far left) at the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland, 2000. Dr. Oz invited Larry to be a guest expert in his Readers Digest Health feature.
In 1994 Mike Sinel M.D referred Richard Usatine M.D. to Larry for low back pain. At the time Dr. Usatine was the Assistant Dean of the UCLA School of Medicine. After a good experience, Dr. Usatine invited Larry to teach Yoga to the 1st year medical students. Dr. Usatine is now a vice chairman in Family and Community Medicine at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Graduates of the first Yoga program at the UCLA School of Medicine in 1996. This was the first Yoga program at a medical school in America, and was co-founded by Larry and Richard Usatine, M.D.
Yoga Rx was the first Yoga therapy book by an American physician, Richard Usatine M.D. and a Yoga teacher, Larry Payne Ph.D. First released in print in 2002, and now available on electronic formats.
The late Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami holding his Karma Award. He was the founder of Kauai's Hindu Monastery and "Hinduism Today". His 353-acre sanctuary and popular talks were always a treasured part of Samata retreats. His spiritual successor is Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami.
Larry in 2005 with his personal physician, David Allen M.D.. David has been a featured guest speaker for Larry¹s events at Esalen Institute, Malibu Yoga Days, and Yoga vacations in Beijing, China.
Larry gets his picture up at the Bodhi Tree Book Store, 2008... One lifetime goal is realized. Shown in the photo (l-r) Veronica and Ivan Zador, Merry Aronson, Larry, Stan Madson co founder and Professor Sasi Velupillai.
The Business of Teaching Yoga. Larry¹s second book, released in 2000, updated in 2010
Lifetime achievement award winners at the 30 year anniversary of Samata Yoga Center. Loyola Marymount University, June 27, 2010. L-R: Chris Chapple, Ph.D., Kathy Smith, Larry, Phil Thompson, Sasi Velupillai, and Chakrapani Ullal. Not shown: Professor Zhou-Yi Qiu, OMD and Stan Madson.
Larry with model Colette Foster Groves, M.D., shooting six videos with Newport Media at Rancho La Puerta fitness spa in 2005.
Flyer for all 6 DVDs. Earlier media productions for Larry include: "User Friendly Yoga" video shot in Malibu in 1999, "Healthy Back" video shot at International Sports Medicine Institute in 1999, and "Healthy Back Exercises for High Stress Professionals" which includes four audiocassettes and a booklet and was produced in 1986.
Steve Ross is one of LA's most popular Yoga teachers and owner of Maha Yoga. He has helped to launch the careers of kirtan master Krishna Dass and best-selling author Eckhart Tolle. He was one of the first to use contemporary music in a Yoga class and has been featured on the Oxygen Channel for over 10 years. In the 1990s, Larry worked with Steve, Rod Stryker, Max Strom, Ish Moran and Tom Morley at Maha Yoga for seven great years.
Larry with Deborah Szekely Co-founder in 1940 of Rancho La Puerta. Larry was the founder of the original "Back Class" at the ranch and has been teaching there for 25 years.
Rancho La Puerta Fitness Spa, Tecate, Mexico 2003 Graduates of the "Awaken the Spirit" Yoga intensive. Upper left Phyliss Pilgrim, director of specialty weeks and life-long friend.
Samata Yoga Vacation in Hanalei Bay, Kauai, 2001. Larry led Yoga groups to Kauai for 11 years. Each day included two Yoga classes, healthy gourmet meals, world class speakers, daily excursions and local Hawaiian entertainment every night.
Larry receiving the Mayor¹s outstanding achievement award from Barbara Curl, founder of the Kauai Aloha foundation
Yoga Workshop with Larry and David Allen M.D. at Esalen Institue, Big Sur California, 2009.
Kathy Smith is America¹s fitness expert, appearing on the cover of Wheaties boxes and featured in countless videos. Kathy is a role model for Larry and a friend for 15 years.
First Samata Yoga vacation in Beijing 2004. In front of a grand Chinese Restaurant with our fabulous hosts Tony, Linda, and Michelle Chang. A trip of a lifetime.
2005: Larry demonstrating the headstand at the Great Wall of China while on a Samata Yoga and Health vacation in Beijing.
Nina Mami Kitani a Yoga and Pilates instructor attending the first Samata Yoga and Health vacation in Beijing.
Larry with Chris Chapple Ph.D.,founder of the Yoga Studies program at Loyola Marymount University. 2009.
Staff from the first Level I Yoga Therapy Rx course at Loyola Marymount University 2005. Right to left: Rick Morris D.C.,CYT, (Associate Director) Larry and Jamie Champion P.T. CYT.
Larry met Leslie Kaminoff when he was a swami and director of the Sivananda Yoga Center in Hollywood in the early 1980s. Later they both worked at the International Sports Medicine institute in Los Angeles with Doctor Leroy Perry and a host of top integrative health practitioners. Over the years they have shared some great clients between LA and NYC. Leslie is now one of the most sought-after Yoga workshop leaders in the world.
First graduates of Yoga Therapy Rx Level I courses at Loyola Marymount University. 2005
2009 graduates of Yoga Therapy Rx Level II at LMU.
Announcement for the Level III Yoga Therapy Rx clinic at LMU 2009/10. The first Yoga therapy clinic at an American University.
Yoga Therapy Rx Level III clinic on the cardiovascular system at Loyola Marymount University, with Art Brownstein M.D. supervising. Dr. Brownstein in a life-long friend and an invaluable consultant for the Level III clinic.
Yoga Therapy Rx level III clinic on Knees and Hips led by Mathew Taylor, Ph.D., P.T., president emeritus, International Association of Yoga Therapists. Loyola Marymount University, 2010.
Larry's 15th anniversary of Yoga workshops at Esalen Institute, Big Sur California.
Recent graduates of the LMU "Prime of Life Yoga" course, Spring 2010. Celebrating at Chandni Indian Restaurant in Santa Monica, California.
Larry and martial arts legend Dan Inosanto. A prodigy of the late Bruce Lee. Taken after a Yoga lesson at Samata Garden Yoga Center, 2009.
The Yoga Doctors Eden Goldman D.C., RYT500 and Terra Gold D.M.O. RYT500 demonstrating the sphinx pose in front of The Sphinx in Egypt. Larry's picks for the next generation of Yoga therapists.
Larry with Luke Ketterhagen CYT, a great Yoga teacher in the lineage of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D. of the Himalayan Yoga Institute. Luke was chosen to be the on-site producer of Samata Yoga Center¹s 30th Anniversary at Loyola Marymount University, June 27, 2010.